1. Did manicure at a shop I shan't name (@ Sunway Pyramid). The service was bad and the staff were unprofessional. But I was ready to take this trip as a lesson and let the bad experience go. However a few days later my middle finger was swollen and the throbbing pain even lasted for two days! After Googling I found out that it is in fact a bacterial infection that is known as paronychia and is usually caused by unsterilised manicure tools. Wow. That is just unbelievable. Seriously? Unsterilised tools? Never. Again.
2. Love window shopping at Marks & Spencer. I mean, look at their packaging!
3. Porky Nest from Burgertory, SS15. Remember my cholesterol problem? Yea my brother didn't because he is a devil sent by the cholesterol department. (Burger alongside with other food that is bad for your heart that you can list out is his favourite food.) Arrived at Burgertory around 8 and there wasn't any available seats so we decided to take away. We waited for 45 minutes. Totally worth it though. Just look at Porky. (Sorry, heart and vessels.)
4. Had a mini road trip to Sepang with my girls this afternoon. Was supposed to collect dragon fruits from a supplier for their research study. Unfortunately the supplier messed up the harvest date and we went home empty-handed. It was fun nonetheless. We then decided to go for something sweet to deal with our disappointment and hence Wondermilk @ Citta Mall. Major love the ambience and the deco.
5. Pink Sakura (soda; lychee & peach combo) and hot chocolate.
6. Cookies & Cream, Peanut Butter Chocolate, Royal Vanilla, Foxy Red Velvet.
7, 8. Velvet in a jar, RM15. Yumz.
9. Infinite bracelet from Diva. A random gift from a very dear friend. ♡
It was a very nerve-wrecking week - We had poster presentation on Wednesday (I did neither good nor bad, though it could be better) and our works did not turn out as pleasant as I thought it would be. Felt really depressed for half a day, until I realised that there's no point dwelling over failure and instead of sulking, what I should really be doing is to get up off my feet and learn from my mistake.
And I praise the Lord for not abandoning me and giving me strength, especially when I need Him most.

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