Clockwise from upper left:
1. Notebook from Daiso that fits perfectly in my lab coat pocket.
2. Pocket planner I got from Noteworthie.
3. Student ID.
4. Umbrella.
5. iPad mini.
6. Coin pouch for my earphones.
7. Another coin pouch for lucky charms.
8. Wallet.
9. Ladies stuff.
10. Wet tissue.
11. Oil blotting paper from Daiso.
12. Pocket tissue.
13. Handbag hook from Daiso.
14. Eclipse mint.
I've blogged about what's in my bag on March and in that post, my bag contained less than 10 items. Yes less than 10 items in a girl's bag is impossible. Yes I like to travel light. Because on normal school days I carry half of my room with me and my bag weighs like a brick, not to forget items that are not in the photo above such as water bottle (1 Litre! Imagine the weight!) and breakfast and lab coat and whatnot. Because of the amount of stuff in my bag, I have gotten myself a bag organiser for easier access.
Gotta thank my good ol' Longchamp Le Pliage (long handle, large). Been using it for almost 3 years and it's doing its job just fine.

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