Sup peeps. So I guess you're familiar with TMI Tag videos on Youtube. It's basically a video of Youtubers answering 50 questions after they are tagged by their friends. I thought it was fun so why not do it here? Okay here goes!
#1 What are you wearing?
I'm in my PJ! Come on it's Friday night. Okay now I sound kinda lifeless.
#2 Ever been in love?
Well... Yes? Not the typical Disney moment though.
#3 Ever had a terrible breakup?
Ahh, of course there was. But I was young and stupid and naive. Am glad that's behind me and part of the memories have faded so I can't really recall most of the details anymore.
#4 How tall are you?
161cm! Which means... 5"3?
#5 How much do you weigh?
Ahem. It's a secret I'll never tell.
#6 Any tattoos?
Nope! Would like to get one but am too indecisive! I get bored of things quickly. Oops.
#7 Any piercings?
Three piercings, two on my left ear lobe and one on my right. I had the original two piercings when I was seven and got an extra when I was 15 right after I finished my last PMR paper. :D I initially told my mom that I'd let the 3rd piercing closed up when I turned 21 (I have no idea why did I think of this) in case she freaked out. But she didn't. She even told me she wanted to get more piercings on her lobes after seeing a lady around her age wore 4 big (real) diamond studs on subway. (But she still hasn't get it, in case you're wondering.)
#8 OTP?
(Note: OTP means one true pairing.)
I am obviously #teamdramione, like come on this blog url is inspired by a dramione fanfiction, duh?
{The Fallout is another amazingly well-written fanfiction by Sage. A must read. I insist.}
I used to ship Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert (from The Vampire Diaries) but now that the show is becoming more unbearable so I just don't feel like it anymore. :(
#9 Favourite Show?
Too many! I'll rank with my most favourite:
Sherlock, Game of Thrones, Elementary, Big Bang Theory, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Grey's Anatomy. (Now that Cristina Yang is leaving, I doubt that season 11 would be... Watchable.)
#10 Favourite bands?
I'm not much a band person. I do follow a couple og indie bands on Spotify like Arctic Monkeys, Bombay Bicycle Club, FTP, TDCC but I'm not a really hardcore fan.
#11 Something you miss?
High school, ahhh the carefree life that I'll never have anymore.
#12 Favourite song?
At the moment? Thinking 'Bout You (Frank Ocean).
#13 How old are you?
Private and confidential! Hint: I'm in my early(?) twenties!
#14 Zodiac sign?
Scorpio. Moon sign Virgo.
#15 Quality you look for in a partner?
Someone who can take care of himself and has similar interest with me, not to mention smart, responsible, able to make me laugh... A man who knows what he wants and what he can offer.
#16 Favorite Quote?
Too many! Check out my collection.
Current one would be,
"Never love a wild thing, Mr. Bell. If you let yourself love a wild thing, you'll end up looking at the sky." - Breakfast at Tiffany's.
#17 Favorite actor?
#18 Favorite color?
I'd say lavender purple but most of my things are pink so...
#19 Loud music or soft?
Both! Depends on what I'm feeling. Sometimes I'll just search Tasty Network or MrSuicideSheep on Youtube and blast the music through my headphone whereas sometimes I just feel like listening to my favourite pianist (ie. Chopin and Debussy).
#20 Where do you go when you’re sad?
My bed, under the blanket. Curve into a ball and sob silently. :( I prefer to be alone when I'm sad 'cuz I feel weird showing my vulnerable side to people.
#21 How long does it take you to shower?
15 minutes? It's the post-shower skin care and hair routine that takes most of the time.
#22 How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Shower, morning skin care and not to forget hair routine, a light touch of makeup (when I feel like it), putting shirt on and taking them off and put on some other ones... So I'd say... Around 45 minutes?
#23 Ever been in a physical fight?
Nope. I'm an angel. And I tend to avoid confrontation 'cuz I'm a pussy.:)
#24: Turn on?
Smirks. Boyish grins. Can't say no to that.
Yep. That's what I'm talking about Ian. One more from our favourite captain.
#25: Turn off?
People with bad breath, liars (I'm actually pretty good in detecting lies) and people who only talk about money. Also, lazy asses and people who do not have a long term visions. That's a lot ey?
#26 The reason I joined Blogger?
I had a blog when I was 16; I blogged quite frequent throughout the years but I didn't exactly have the time anymore especially after I had graduated from my high school. THEN I DELETED MY BLOG. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY. Boohoo. Blogger can you try to recover (Yes that's my old blog link.)
Anyway then I decided to create a new one to record bits and pieces of my current life and hence a new blog.
#27 Fears?
Close friends would know I'm scared of butterflies and moths. Like, really scared. The thought of their flappy (either monotone or colourful) scares the crap out of me.
#28 Last thing that made you cry?
My mom called. And I couldn't hold my tears. I miss her. I feel useless for not able to stay beside her when she needs me. I was in the middle of work and I had to calm myself down. Once I got myself back she called again lol. And I cried again. Jesus. Yep I'm a cry baby.
#29 Last time you said you loved someone?
To my mom I guess? Via texts.
#30 Meaning behind your Blogger name?
I'm assuming url name? Anyway I got mine off from my favourite Dramione fanfiction, "The Politician's Wife".
"Did I believe him?
Some days, yes; some days, no. He was like a half-finished puzzle. Bits and pieces were filled in, but the overall picture, the whole, eluded me.”
#31 Last book you read?
A Hunger So Wild by Sylvia Day.
#32 The book you’re currently reading?
The Scorch Trial, James Dashner.
#33 Last show you watched?
The Big Bang Theory! May the fourth be with you.
#34 Last person you talked to?
My buddies who had dinner with me just now.
#35 The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
Classmate. Coursemate. Best friend. ♡
#36 Favorite food?
Hardest question ever! Aglio oglio? Korean food? Japanese food? Meatballs? Chocolate cake? There's too many of them! I'd say any food that tastes nice!
#37 Place you want to visit?
JAPAN. Korea. Europe. The State. Turkey. Rio? EVERYWHERE.
#38 Last place you were?
Sunway Pyramid, duh. Where else can I go on Friday night? It's terribly jam around here.
#39 Do you have a crush?
Sadly no at the moment.
#40 Last time you kissed someone?
Ahh... It was awhile ago.
#41 Last time you were insulted?
Can't seem to remember. I tend to avoid letting negative words linger in my brain. There's nothing good the words can do to you except of bringing you down.
#42 Favourite flavour of sweet?
Sorry! Not a candy person.
#43 What instruments do you play?
Piano and clarinet. I can play a little bit of saxophone and flute though. (As in, producing sound but not making any song out of them.)
#44 Favourite piece of jewellery?
My necklace and diamond pendent. A gift from my parents. ♡
#45 Last sport you played?
Crap! Can't... Recall... No sport detected! Is speed walking counted as sport? Ha-ha. I think the last sport I've played must be badminton which was... More than a year ago? ... That's just sad.
#46 Last song you sang?
Zombie by The Cranberries!
#47 Favourite chat up line?
"Do your legs hurt from running through my dreams all night?" - HAHAHAHAHA.
#48 Have you ever used it?
No man. I don't wanna get slapped in the face.
#49 Last time you hung out with anyone?
Exactly 2 hours ago.
#50 Who should answer these questions next?
You, you, you and you! Anyone who reads this!