1. Fresh tomato fried egg with fish & steamed fish with pineapple (RM21.80 each) @ Fong Lye, Sunway Pyramid. Ohmagawdddd I love the food at Fong Lye why did I discover it so late! Wish I could eat there everyday!
2. Meatballs @ Ikea because one does not simply say no to meatballs. And the springrolls. 99 cents? SO GOOD. WANT MORE, NOW.
3. Gelatomio ice cream, buy 1 free 1 @ Cold Storage. Not sure when will the promotion end though. The chocolate flavour is so sinfully yum.
4. Starbucks promotion is back! Caramel Ribbon Crunch, that's what I ordered. So sweet it gave me mild headache, aiyaya. (Looks like the straw is stuck in my nostril but it's not.)
This week was so stressful! Glad it was over but sadly this is merely the beginning boohoo. 1 presentation down but 2 more are waiting for me, sounds like fun! On the upside, water rationing is over, finally! Boy was I glad!
Also I've been wanting to watch Cry's old LPs so I came across To The Moon and... So. Much. Emotion. ;___; Ken Gao is a genius. What a beautiful story (and the music!). Go watch peeps, it's worth the time.
On the other hand, miss my mom terribly! I miss home-cooked food, I miss home... Wish I was home.

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