Hey guys. Hope you're having a wonderful day.
If you have read my earlier blog post, you probably already knew I am currently in an industrial placement.
I am doing my internship presently at a food company which I will not reveal for privacy purpose. Not going to lie, 8 to 5 is no fun. Period. But I'm glad my co-workers have been nothing but helpful and friendly. Nonetheless, it is definitely a very good warm-up for my future career. 19 weeks more to go! Yay!
Anyway, nuff chit chat. Let's get to the point.
My 5 favourite Youtubers. I am so obsessed with them and I think I have watched almost all of their videos. In my opinion they are very very underrated and deserve more views and subscribers.
Kathleen mainly does makeup tutorials using different kind of palette and her makeup looks are down right gorgeous. She also does reviews and unboxing videos sometimes. I love that she's honest, does both high-end and drugstore products and most importantly, she's very, very, VERY funny. I mean, just look at her bloops! She is currently married and she and her husbands - They are crazy about each other. (They have a vlog channel too!) Kathleen is my spirit animal - Everything about her is perfect.
A Japanese American from Los Angeles, I first stumbled upon her secondary channel - where she gives college advice and whatnot. She is smart and quirky and sarcastic (which I love the most). Her eye makeup is very heavy in my opinion but despite that I enjoy watching her building very vibrant colour gradient. It's like art. Seriously. Other than that she also makes great Lookbook and Haul videos. I really love her Cali style - Cropped tops, high waisted acid washed shorts and a kimono cardigan, you know the drill. She doesn't upload videos as often though as she is currently pursuing a psychology degree but you can check out her Instagram anytime for her #ootd.
Last but not least, Cryaotic! (Also affectionately known as Cry.) He is probably my favourite gamer on Youtube and I have mentioned him several times on my blog. Let's be honest - He sucks at playing (certain games). But what attracted me (and other subscribers as well) are mostly his personality - He's humble, compassionate, down to earth, funny... And his voice. His voice is so awesome I can never get tired of listening to him. No one knows what is his real name and how he looks like - He never reveals for privacy purpose and to be honest, I understand and I respect that. Plus, every outro of his videos are amazing and very nice edited. (Love your music taste yo, Cry.) He also streams every Saturday night (11pm America East Coast time) where he plays games with his friends and interacts with the viewers. Sadly the stream often starts on Sunday early mornings Malaysia time so I don't really have the chance to join and watch. Sad emoji.
Anyway, some of my favourite gameplays are To The Moon, Bioshock Infinite, Broken Age, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons etc.
I hope you'd enjoy their videos! Now tell me, who's your favourite Youtubers?

If you have read my earlier blog post, you probably already knew I am currently in an industrial placement.
I am doing my internship presently at a food company which I will not reveal for privacy purpose. Not going to lie, 8 to 5 is no fun. Period. But I'm glad my co-workers have been nothing but helpful and friendly. Nonetheless, it is definitely a very good warm-up for my future career. 19 weeks more to go! Yay!
Anyway, nuff chit chat. Let's get to the point.
My 5 favourite Youtubers. I am so obsessed with them and I think I have watched almost all of their videos. In my opinion they are very very underrated and deserve more views and subscribers.
1. KatheenLights
Kathleen mainly does makeup tutorials using different kind of palette and her makeup looks are down right gorgeous. She also does reviews and unboxing videos sometimes. I love that she's honest, does both high-end and drugstore products and most importantly, she's very, very, VERY funny. I mean, just look at her bloops! She is currently married and she and her husbands - They are crazy about each other. (They have a vlog channel too!) Kathleen is my spirit animal - Everything about her is perfect.
2. thekatizzzle
A Japanese American from Los Angeles, I first stumbled upon her secondary channel - where she gives college advice and whatnot. She is smart and quirky and sarcastic (which I love the most). Her eye makeup is very heavy in my opinion but despite that I enjoy watching her building very vibrant colour gradient. It's like art. Seriously. Other than that she also makes great Lookbook and Haul videos. I really love her Cali style - Cropped tops, high waisted acid washed shorts and a kimono cardigan, you know the drill. She doesn't upload videos as often though as she is currently pursuing a psychology degree but you can check out her Instagram anytime for her #ootd.
3. Tried and TestedTried and Tested is a show by Clicknetwork in which the host Shu An tries out beauty products and gives reviews in every episode. Her reviews are very honest and the videos are really helpful. Some videos are not on Youtube though, so you ought go watch it from Clicknetwork website. Here are some of my favourite videos.
4. RRcherrypie GroupI first started watching their videos after searching Kracie Popin' Cookin' on Youtube. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, Popin' Cookin' is a Japanese DIY kit where you make miniature food like sushi, takoyaki by using just water and powders. I find their videos very soothing and therapeutic that sometimes I watch the videos until I fall asleep whenever I'm having insomnia. Still have no idea what I'm talking about? Check out his videos below.
5. Cryaotic
Last but not least, Cryaotic! (Also affectionately known as Cry.) He is probably my favourite gamer on Youtube and I have mentioned him several times on my blog. Let's be honest - He sucks at playing (certain games). But what attracted me (and other subscribers as well) are mostly his personality - He's humble, compassionate, down to earth, funny... And his voice. His voice is so awesome I can never get tired of listening to him. No one knows what is his real name and how he looks like - He never reveals for privacy purpose and to be honest, I understand and I respect that. Plus, every outro of his videos are amazing and very nice edited. (Love your music taste yo, Cry.) He also streams every Saturday night (11pm America East Coast time) where he plays games with his friends and interacts with the viewers. Sadly the stream often starts on Sunday early mornings Malaysia time so I don't really have the chance to join and watch. Sad emoji.
Anyway, some of my favourite gameplays are To The Moon, Bioshock Infinite, Broken Age, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons etc.
I hope you'd enjoy their videos! Now tell me, who's your favourite Youtubers?

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