Sup guys.
I know I've been gone for awhile, but with good reason - My undergraduate dissertation and thesis presentation - Done and done! Boy am glad that's over! Phew!
If you really wanna know how I lived in the past 3 weeks... It's not glorious. Instant noodles. Bed. Laptop. Shit. Soft drinks. I kid you not. Didn't even leave the house. And constantly inhaling something sweet (soft drinks, what are you thinking?) whenever my brain needed more glucose.
I spent days and nights in front of my laptop, writing a dissertation that contained at least 16,000 words. It wasn't easy at all. The words came out from my mind into my Word document like constipation - As described by my classmate. Which is a very accurate way to describe this painful process. I felt like my brain was squeezed dry at the end of the day.
I'd gone crazy if I had to be like that for another 3 weeks. However when my dissertation came into life (or... came into prints to be exact), I felt like I just went through labour. (Metaphorically speaking of course, giving birth is much much much more painful.) So I guess it's all worth it. But let's hope the grade will be good too. Bah! That's behind me now! So glad that I am finally able to flip through this chapter of my life.
So since I have submitted my dissertation, I reckon I'll let you know what I've been researching for the past 14 weeks. My partner and I were developing a vegan soy ice cream and we studied the characteristics yadda yadda, you see the pattern, boring product development stuff.
This research project has been tough, as anything, I repeat - Anything, can go unexpectedly wrong even when you have everything perfectly planned 1 week prior. Equipment broke down or under maintenance, ran out of chemicals, apparatus were taken up by the other researchers... But you just have to improvise with what you get and be flexible, you know what I mean? And positivity is what that matters as your mood will definitely affect your productivity and efficiency. I guess this can be applied on our daily lives as well as you'll never know what is going to happen next. And you need to keep swimming (Finding Nemo's reference, eh? Eh?) eventually even when shit hits the fan.
So what have I done for the past few days after clearing off every deadline and task? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Except lying on my bed like a sloth and watch The Mindy Project, which is awesome! It is my favourite comedy right now and I feel that Mindy basically represents my life. Except that she gets more laid than me. And all her exes are hot. Tommy Dewey, BJ Novak, Glenn Howerton... And so many eye candies around her! James Franco, seriously? I know it's just a drama, but hey a girl can always dream, all thanks to Mindy.
Other than that I have also been watching romance film as influenced by Mindy. Currently watching Pretty Woman. I have to admit, shamefully, that I'm more familiar of the song than the film. But the movie is actually pretty good even though I'm not a big fan of neither Julia Roberts nor Richard Gere (no offense but he's like a father figure to me so it's kinda weird to watch him making love to Julia Roberts). And also I've been playing Pokemon. I was bored, okay?
Anyway back to the main point. So now that I'm free I will be following the regular pre-hiatus schedule which is every Monday, Wednesday and Friday even though I'll be on a short trip next week. But we'll see. I'll try my best.
1 more paper in the end of July and I'll be done with my 5th semester... And then it's time for my internship programme. Dum dum dum. So not looking forward to it. D:

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