Sephora Express Dry Shampoo ♦ L'occitane Fresh Face Water ♦ Clarins Cleansing Milk with Alpine Herbs ♦ Daiso Baby Wipes ♦ Simple Kind to Skin Cleansing Facial Wipes
Am finally back to the big city which is currently in a state-wide water rationing that has been going on for almost a month. Swell. But hey it's better than a month of black-out right? Can't survive without electricity, especially in this current weather. But thank God March is coming to an end, which means we can finally have rain. Yay!
Anyway, in the area I'm staying we're alternating between 2 days of water and 2 days without, and also considering the fact that I'm living with 20 other students in my house (off campus accommodation) and hence I have to come up with a battle plan to combat days with no water supply. (On a side note, I've been plotting 2 weeks before the day I came back. This shows how water matters to me. Or just that there's something wrong with me.)
The dry shampoo is obviously for my hair but fortunately the weather has been gloomy since the day I arrived and my hair has not gone to the crazily oily state during the water-less days. I bought a pack of baby wipes from Daiso to wipe my body before I hit the shower (with a full bucket of pre-stored water), just to be extra clean. As for my face, I'm not usually a fan of facial wipes but I've bought a pack anyway to wipe off the excessive dusts and God-knows-what on my face once I reach home from outside, follow by cleansing milk and L'occitane face water that claims to 'cleanse, hydrate and tone'. I know, it's like triple cleansing but I just don't trust facial wipes, you know? Also one day after I arrived the pimples started popping (Four, if you're curious). See what the haze did to me?
How about you? What's your combat plan? One more week to go, we can do this! Good luck.

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