1. How time flies! 11 weeks have passed so quickly and that concludes my bench work for my final year project. Which means, it's dissertation writing time. #nofun
2. Tiramisu from Tous Les Jours as supper because YOLO. (Do people still say YOLO?) On a side note, Master Chef (US version) is back, yay!
3. Braised beef glass noodle @ Fong Lye, my favourite Taiwanese restaurant at the moment. Feels good to have good food after a hectic week.
4. Look at this precious furball! <3 (I think he's a Bengal cat..?) Isn't he the cutest? Spotted him at Bangsar while we had our usual banana leaf rice.
Living inside a box must be torturous. He was constantly looking at a stray black kitten outside, as if he's jealous of the kitty that obviously has more freedom than him. Or maybe I'm overanalysing everything. Humans.
5. 端午节 is most probably my second favourite Lunar festival (Chinese New Year obviously being the first). Why? Well. I mean, look at all the yummylicious but sinful bakzhang. Mooncake festival used to be my second favourite but the mooncake crave kinds of worn off throughout the years. However the sad thing is till date (this year) I have not eaten even one bakzhang as I'm away from home as usual. I miss home atm. :(
6. I guess there's no turning point once you broke a glassware. More are coming after you broke the first one. Same goes to dropping your phone. Some of my friends managed to last for a few months before they dropped their precious iPhones. And once the first accident happened, more followed. It's like a curse. Anyway what I'm trying to say here is that, since I was working in the laboratories for the past 11 weeks, breaking glasswares were quite common for us. However I managed to maintain my record... Only until week 8 where I finally broke a beaker. Then a glass rod. Then another beaker. And then a flask. -_- But still an achievement nonetheless. Like, 4 glasswares, pft, I'm sure with my clumsiness I can break more but I stay at 4. Right? You know what I'm saying? Ok? Ok.
6. Still have not watched Edge of Tomorrow, X-Men and How to Train Your Dragon, boo. :( Sorry my Goddess Emily Blunt, I promise I will support you in theatre.
7. Currently playing: Richard & Alice, an indie adventure game. The plot is intriguing but I was scared at some point all thanks to the mysterious and unknowing atmosphere. I know. Wuss.
8. Remember that I mentioned Corpse Party last week? I had a dream few days ago that was similar with Corpse Party but took place in my university laboratory. Corpses lying on top of benches... Yeah you get the idea.
8. I'm attending the first prom in my life next Saturday! So excited! I have already decided what to do with my hair and makeup but the dress. THE DRESS! The most important thing is still missing! Well that's just me being last minute, as usual. No surprise.
9. Novel I recommend this week: 《帝王业》by 寐语者. Fast pace, very well written and the plot line is very fluent and well executed. It is available online (FOC) so just Google and enjoy! Probably the best online fiction I have ever read. No wonder the writer is dubbed as "Queen of Romance Fiction" by the Chinese keyboard warriors. I will definitely check out her other novels.
10. Currently listening to Bombay Bicycle Club - So Long, See You Tomorrow (album). One of the things I love about indie is that it always makes me feel infinite. If you know what I mean, you're awesome. Brofist. ;)

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