2020 is finally behind us - It had been an utter shit show, I'm sure everyone can agree on that.
Now that we're stepping into a new year, I've been thinking about new year's resolutions.
Yes, you heard me right. New year's resolution.
I wasn't a big believer in new year's resolution (probably still not), as I believe one should take action immediately to do whatever one wants without having to wait for the 'right time'.
But for the past couple of weeks, I've been contemplating about what changes I need to implement to make my life better, for my own sake.
Since we are now venturing into a brand new year, new year's resolution eh? I thought.
Why not? Might as well.
Here goes - My new year's resolution on the year I turn three-O.
#1 Be active... Again.
I was an avid Zumba and STRONG by Zumba attendee back in 2019, but 2020 came and shit hit the fan. Instead of going to the gym for at least 3 Zumba sessions like I did in 2019, I sadly... did nothing in 2020.
Although a weekly badminton session is still in the itinerary, but to be honest, it doesn't really contribute much given to the amount of rest time I have between sets (we have more than 10 players sharing a court, you can do the math yourself).
Back in March/April when the entire Malaysia was under lockdown, I picked up Chloe Ting's 2-week challenge. I felt a sense of achievement upon completing her hardcore 2-week programme, but after that I took a long rest - a very very long rest. Perhaps, too long 'cos I haven't done anything afterward.
What can I say? Life and work caught up and I didn't have time (more on time in point #2).
Ehem, excuses excuses.
So, 2021 - More exercises.
So not looking forward to working out, but it has to be done!
#2 Cultivate a healthy and consistent sleep schedule
Other than workouts, I am ashamed to admit that I have a very shitty sleep routine. It gets worse as I grow older. I sleep around 1-2am and wake up around 7-8am.
This is all because of 'revenge bedtime procrastination' - I feel like I have lesser me-time if I go to bed early, since I reach home (from work) late. And so the more I sleep late, the more I wake up late, causing myself to have shorter personal time at night.
As you can probably imagine, this becomes an endless poor cycle of balancing sleep and leisure time.
2021 - Develop a healthy sleep routine.
#3 Eat healthy and develop good postures
I've always been a sloucher - I've been slouching for years.
Since I'm reaching the big three-O this year, I've got to seriously look into correcting my postures as any bad position can really set off a long period of back and shoulder pains.
I've also decided to eat healthy - Even though to be fair, I've always been sort of a healthy eater as I don't enjoy junk food and fast food.
But years of being a pushover (friends would ask me to finish food we couldn't finish and I have trouble saying no - more on that in the next resolution) and the deep-rooted do-not-waste-even-a-grain-of-rice Chinese education engraved in my brain by my mother throughout the years have turned me into someone who is capable to eat big portions.
Needless to say - It's time to control my portion. Not striking for FULL, but just enough.
#4 Be assertive.
I've always been a timid mouse - A shocking fact to lots of people perhaps, because I may have given off the vibes of an extrovert (I'm really not). But the truth is, deep down I'm a pushover.
I'm afraid that people might think that I am 'troublesome', 'hard to get along' or 'cold', so I agree to things or plans I do not really enjoy. Not only that, I also have troubles saying no to people.
I try to be 'easygoing', but along the way, perhaps I have lost my voice.
There's a fine line between being assertive and being an asshole though.
Let's hope I am able to find a balance between these twos.
That is it! 4 minor and achievable new year's resolutions that I hope can become a constant in my life starting this year.
Wish me luck? Let's hope I will not forget everything I've written today next week!